OCD in Children

OCD in children

About 0.5% of the American children suffer from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) that causes kids to worry and have negative thoughts. To overcome these thoughts or obsessions, the kids behave in a compulsive manner that makes them do things in a particular way. Together, the obsessions and compulsive behavior take the charm away from the child’s life. If you want to learn more about obsessive-compulsive disorder in kids, read more of our thought in this article.

Causes of pediatric OCD

Experts say that OCD in kids occurs because of certain:

  • Biological reasons such as lower neurotransmitter levels or genetic defects.
  • Environmental reasons such as mental or physical abuse at home or in school, sudden death in the family, or parents’ divorce.

Symptoms of pediatric OCD

OCD in childrenTypical symptoms of OCD in children are:

  • Worrying too much about getting sick, something bad happening, or dying
  • Excessive attention to detail and a feeling that things should be ‘perfect’ always.
  • Following certain rituals and self-imposed rules rigidly.
  • Seeking too much of reassurance.

Parents may notice that their child is:

  • Unable to focus on schoolwork and other activities
  • Feeling restless, sad, or anxious
  • Unable to choose for himself
  • Quick to get angry if things are not ‘perfect.’

These symptoms can lower the child’s self-esteem and even lead to depression. Children with OCD also avoid being with friends, find it difficult to do their homework, face sleeping problems and worry about disrupted routines.

Treating pediatric OCD

OCD in children is treated using medications and cognitive behavioral therapy. While medicines help to cure depression or anger, cognitive therapy helps the child to overcome obsessive notions and behavior. Coaching the parents on how they can respond to their child’s OCD symptoms is also important.

Parents should:

  • Discuss, listen, and express love to their child during OCD situations.
  • Work out strategies with the child to manage anxiety.
  • Take an active part in the therapy.

With early diagnosis and proper parental support, it is possible to reduce the OCD symptoms and help your child to relax and enjoy life.