5 Tips On Taking Care Of A Baby Tooth That Broke Off At Gum Line

5 Tips On Taking Care Of A Baby Tooth That Broke Off At Gum Line

A baby’s tooth is so delicate that you need to give extra care when it comes to their dental routine. Their bones, muscles, and features are not yet fully developed. This is why they get bruises and bumps so quickly. Especially, kids are prone to certain diseases that may complicate their health further. Have you seen a baby tooth broke off at gum line? How parents take care of their kid’s overall health will surely have consequences in the future. That is why it is important that kids will maintain their best status when it comes to gums and teeth.

Why Do Teeth Break Off?

A child’s toothache may be a sign of dental problems during its early stages. You may want to avoid further issues that go along with this symptom. Tooth decay and tooth loss, these are two common causes for toothaches that can get a baby tooth broke off at gum line. While it is a common dental disaster, there are many differences from tooth breaking off on a kid versus adults. Take a look at some of the reasons why it occurs.

Why It Happens On Adults

While you can still take care of your kid’s baby tooth that broke off at the gum line, you can’t do these things when they grow up. Some adults are just so busy with their daily life. Adding on to those health goals for the new year, one can do frequent exercise and sports activities. Injuries and accidents are unexpected issues that may cause tooth loss, broken, or cracked teeth.

Why Kids Are More Prone To It

Kids love sweets, hard candy, and just having fun. These factors are actually a great way to enjoy their life and it’s great if you can maintain certain rules. However, you can’t avoid problems especially when they are away at school, camps, or activities with their friends. A kid can be more prone to certain dental diseases as they aren’t keen on brushing their teeth at night. As a parent, it is great to educate them early. Reward their good behavior and encourage them by brushing with them. Teach them the responsibility for good oral hygiene so they can avoid dental diseases in the future.

5 Tips For Fixing Baby Tooth That Broke Off At Gum Line

Brush To Avoid Baby Tooth That Broke Off At Gum Line

Put Ice On Affected Tooth Area

Your child’s teeth need to relieve the intense pain and swelling due to a broken tooth. Have them apply ice with an ice pack or wrap it in cloth on the gum or cheek area. However, if the nerve or pulp is visibly seen, don’t use this as a relief. Contact your child’s pediatrician right away.

Reduce The Bleeding

Bleeding gums may affect your child’s teeth especially making it exposed to germs and infection. Reduce the bleeding by biting down on a clean cloth added with ice or just by itself.

Rinse With Saline Water

In addition, rinsing with saline water may also lessen the bleeding and swelling issue from the baby tooth that broke off at gum line. You can use warm water on that saline solution and ask your kid to gargle the solution properly.

Don’t Throw Out That Baby Tooth!

A baby tooth that broke off at gum line is still useful even in that state. Don’t throw this right away as you can still save your baby’s tooth. Carefully place it on a milk solution so it can still be useful and probably, the pediatric dentist can attach it again.

Get To An Emergency Dentist Right Away

An emergency pediatric dentist is what you need especially if your baby’s tooth was broken. Compared to adult dental emergencies, usually, parents may need to get to a hospital or dental clinic right away than doing home remedies. It’s a must as a baby’s teeth are different in its structure than those of adults. Consider taking notes of emergency dental clinics for toddlers and babies to avoid problems of locating one in case you need it.