When Do Kids Lose Their Baby Teeth?

When Do Kids Lose Their Baby Teeth

Kids that lose their teeth early are usually indications of tooth growth. Parents don’t need to panic about serious repercussions of loose teeth. On the contrary, gum disease symptoms can be subtle during the period where kids lose their baby teeth. Are you aware of when do kids lose their baby teeth? If you want to manage your kids’ first steps in dental health care, it is essential to track their baby teeth and development. You can visit infinitydentalcare.com.au/zh/our-services/childrens-dentistry/childrens-orthodontics/ to discover more about children’s baby teeth. Take a look at some of the facts to consider when do kids lose their baby teeth. 


When Do Kids Lose Their Baby Teeth? 

Is it already time for your kids to lose their baby teeth soon? If your four-year-old kid suddenly loses his or her teeth, it may be best first to visit the pediatric dentist. The upper and lower teeth may have different growth rates depending on your child’s overall bone and gum condition. There is a standard teeth eruption chart that parents can rely on to check their kid’s teeth progress. Here are some of the facts for children that starts losing their central incisors or molars.  


Period Of Teeth Growth

Baby Teeth/Milk Teeth

When Do Kids Lose Their Baby Teeth Full

Some dentist mentions that infants grow their baby teeth or milk teeth between 6 months to 12 months old. Most girls have full 20 primary teeth earlier than boys before three years old. The timing for children losing their front teeth happens at age 6 or 7. Pediatric dentists may analyze when your child starts losing their primary teeth. That said, you can expect your children to receive dental services for at least ten more years before transitioning to a regular dental clinic. 


Adult Permanent Teeth

You may not bother with a tooth fairy when you already know when do kids lose their baby teeth. Children continue to lose their baby teeth until 12 years old, and by that time, there will be at least 32 permanent teeth. A general dentist can begin examining the losing molars once children experience severe toothaches or gum clenching. It is important to figure out if dental cavities, also called caries, can wear an adult’s enamel or dentin. 


Impacted Wisdom Tooth

According to a dentist, wisdom tooth molars can start growing at ages 16 until 21. However, some children may develop late wisdom teeth due to malocclusion, jawbone formation, or from an oral health disorder. An impacted wisdom tooth is always painful to experience. Click on this page to see options for painless wisdom tooth extraction.  


What Should Parents Do When Baby Teeth Falls Out?

A dentist commonly asks their child patient if they had previous trauma, accident, or injury involving their teeth. At some point, the causes of severe toothache or lost teeth may be due to unexpected emergencies. Parents must go to an urgent dental care center for similar events like a sports injury, fall, or any accident. Furthermore, parents must not force the teeth to fall out even if it’s too loose. If you experience cavities or swelling gums symptoms, don’t wait for a few more years to neglect the disease. Here are some of our suggestions that can significantly help your child and your oral health condition. 

Schedule visits in between the time that kids lose their baby teeth

Typically, a well-spent visit to a dental clinic can benefit any children. Simultaneously, if the whole family plans their appointment, everyone can take advantage of a six-month timeline for checkups. If you’re afraid of going to the dentist because of financial restraints, you may want to consider getting a health insurance plan. Your health insurance can cover most of the expenses in your bills. Don’t be too hard on yourself and your child regarding your health care. Severe complications in the mouth, neck, and head may even start as a tiny brown spot on the teeth’s surface. 


Practice dental hygiene properly

Parents must care for baby teeth until it grows into adult teeth. Daily hygiene may be easy to think of, but regular practice is not always successful if you don’t treat your children’s health seriously. Take at least 2 minutes of brushing with your kid and help them floss on their own. Eventually, children can take confidence in making sure their precious smile is kept until they become seniors.


Avoid bad habits of chewing hard objects

Cracked or chipped teeth are caused by children chewing pencils, ice cubes, or even hard food. Children must also chew on soft food or avoid extremely hot or cold temperatures in any food or drink at an early age. Sensitivity and gum inflammation can be an underlying cause of oral illnesses that you may overlook. 


Prevent cavities and gum disease

When Do Kids Lose Their Baby Teeth Chewing Habits

Children can experience interrupted teeth health when bacteria start to attack their gums and cause decay. Also, pacifiers can be the most vulnerable area for any infant. Notably, saliva and dirt can mix in the nipple of the bottle while your child sips on it. Ensure that their bottles are always clean and teach them not to suck their thumbs or any other objects. 


A Word Of Advice From Professional Dentists

Although it is understandable for parents to become anxious about milestones for their kids, it may be best to consider how your kids will feel about their first visit to the dentist. A parent must interact with their kid regarding problems of pain in the gums. Children may have no initial knowledge of toothaches. But, making them understand what causes their teeth to fall can help them realize the importance of dental care. Baby teeth is special, as it can either make or break your child’s future dental health condition. If you want your baby not to lose their teeth at an early age, start by following the tips we recommended here.