How Can A Child Tooth X-Ray Detect Dental Problems?

How Can A Child Tooth X-Ray Detect Dental Problems

The first few visits to a dental clinic can give your child some anxiety or fear of the dentist. This is a common scenario that, of course, you should manage as a parent. Probably, part of your dental concern is a child tooth X-ray. How early can a child have this examination? Is it possible for other ways to get my child’s teeth diagnosis? Inevitably, some parents may ask these questions. Thus, it is important to always ask your dentist about the latest findings of a child’s oral health. You should view more at this link about the advantages of getting your child a child tooth X-ray early on.

What Happens During A Dental X-Ray?

A dental X-ray for a child is usually different for adults. A dentist won’t require your child to have this examination right away. The dental care professional will first check your child’s oral health through a quick look, check-up, and even asking a few questions about their routine. When the time comes that a child must have a child tooth X-ray, the examination needs to detect the following concerns:

  • Tooth decay between teeth that isn’t visible right away
  • Problems with orthodontic operations for kids
  • Possible gum diseasesChild Tooth X-Ray Concerns From Parents
  • Detecting dental abscess or other infections
  • Growing wisdom teeth
  • Possibility of tumors or cysts
  • Other problems on the mouth such as a temporomandibular joint disorder
  • Misaligned teeth, crooked teeth

Your child needs to also inform the dentist for any other pain, swelling, or bleeding that happened previously. Any extreme symptoms need a dental care professional to analyze the information accordingly. This will help the health care provider to detect which of these signs lead to another.


How Can A Child Tooth X-Ray Help My Kid?

A child’s tooth can really be surprisingly dirty and diseased. With a child tooth x-ray, your kid will get the right treatment according to the results. Remember, your kid needs to get at least 6 months in between X-rays to avoid risks in exposure to radiation. In addition, if your kid’s dentist did not detect any signs of tooth problems, then it usually takes 12-24 months for the next examination. Since there are many types of X-rays, it is important to find out if they are the following: Bitewing X-rays or Panoramic Dental X-rays. The two differ in what it can detect and how little to no exposure on the radiation can a kid have. Consider asking your child’s dentist about the type of X-ray that they have.

Risks In A Child Tooth X-ray

Any kind of dental clinic should have professional dental technicians and the best quality for an X-ray examination. In addition, a lead apron is always a must for people to wear during the exam. If you’re going for a more advanced kind of child tooth X-ray, it is advised to get a digital one. Traditional X-rays are usually packed with radiation that may harm your child’s health. Ask your local dental clinic for a dental technician that uses an E-film rather than a D-film. Planning ahead with technical information like this will surely let your dental clinic know your concerns for your child. It is also great if you can talk to the dental technician himself/herself. Also, don’t forget to ask if your child’s dentist has alternative options such as a cavity detector.